Client: Kier Highways
Location: B4373 Ironbridge Road, Broseley
Date: Oct 2022 – Jan 2023
Value: £307k
Scope of Work:
Following a landslip and deterioration of an embankment we were asked by Kier Highways to undertake permanent improvement works on the B4373 Ironbridge Road at Broseley. The works were undertaken as part of the Shropshire Council Term Maintenance Contract and consisted of stabilisation works to arrest further landslips, reconstruction of a section of carriageway and the installation of drainage improvements.
The solution consisted of the removal of unstable embankment material followed by the installation and grading of a new embankment consisting of Class 1A fill. The existing embankment was benched to create a more stable platform for the fill material and as part of these works a new drainage system was installed. In order to accommodate these works a temporary access road was constructed to enable us to access the work area and tip the 9000 tonnes of fill required to construct the new embankment.
The final solution involved topping off the embankment with top soil and Coir geotextile matting that was subsequently seeded with grass and wild flowers. Completion of the project involved reconstruction of the adjacent carriageway along with the installation of new kerbs and highway drainage and a new highway boundary was formed with new fencing and hedges.
The works were undertaken under a 7-week road closure with diversions onto an alternative local route and the final carriageway works were completed under traffic signals.
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